
Meet the Founders: Liquid Foodies

In the hustle and bustle of today's world, it's easy to overlook the simple joys of life, like enjoying a meal with loved ones. But for millions around the globe suffering from chewing or swallowing difficulties, the act of eating isn't just a pleasure—it's a challenge. Meet Liquid Foodies, one of the latest Sprout Accelerator Autumn24 Cohort members and a food tech company on a mission to help chewing or swallowing sufferers enjoy their favourite food easily. 

Liquid Foodies offers mass-customised, shelf-life stable ready-to-use nutrition solutions made from real food ingredients.

Liquid Foodies’ unique technology will allow them to provide the right nutrition and energy density while offering optimised textures, from full liquid to soft solid. Ultimately, their goal is to offer personalised meal plans and solutions to individuals and their caregivers. 

But what truly sets them apart is their team—passionate, innovative, and experienced individuals dedicated to making a difference. Meet the Founding team, Jie (Jill) Zheng and Parco Jiang. 

An outstanding graduate in Agriculture from Nanjing Agricultural University, top-ranked in the sector in China, Jie (Jill) Zheng went on to study for her master's in Business Management from the University of Auckland. With her strong understanding of science, business and three B2C startups under her belt, Jie brings a wealth of entrepreneurial experience to the table, as well as marketing & branding experience in helping Kiwi brands land in China. She holds a dual certified Advanced Health Manager Qualification, which allows her to give nutrition advice in China. Her journey, fueled by her grandmother's struggle with Dysphagia (swallowing difficulty), inspired her to create Liquid Foodies as a solution for families like her own. 

Parco brings invaluable commercial expertise to the Liquid Foodies team, with a solid managerial background in food & beverage and nutraceuticals. He is a senior international business executive & business development professional with 18 years of experience under his belt and responsibility for over USD 100 million in sales. Parco has skills & a network gained from working for leading global MCNs with in-depth expertise in successfully building western FMCG food brands in the Greater China region, as well as helping Chinese businesses achieve effective overseas expansion to APAC, USA, and EU. His vision for expanding Liquid Foodies' reach aligns perfectly with the mission.

Going from strength to strength, the Liquid Foodies team has already expanded. They now include team members with rich commercialised R&D experience and strong technical backgrounds, particularly in new product development and new technology development in the areas in which they are developing their unique technologies. 

Chewing or Swallowing Difficulties affects nearly 771 million people globally, yet the solutions available are often inadequate. Liquid Foodies’ goal is to change that by developing a unique process that not only makes life easier for customers but also enhances quality of life.

During their market research, they were surprised to find a lack of options in the sector, particularly in China. This revelation only fueled their determination to lead the way in this emerging field. “We want to be the market leader, ideally the one to define the benchmark of how things can be done in this sector.”

As Jill aptly puts it, “It’s our attitude to stay hungry and foolish, always striving for more.”

The Liquid Foodies team’s next step is clear: to continue building their prototype and bringing their vision to life. With the support of Sprout, they aim to become investment-ready and propel their mission forward.

Success, to them, is more than just commercial—it's about making a meaningful difference and positive impact. “Seeing our products improve people's lives, bringing joy to our customers, and making life easier for everyone surrounded defines our success.”

The team draws inspiration from visionaries like Jack Ma, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Jensen Huang—pioneers who dared to create something and defined a sector even before it existed. 

In conclusion, Liquid Foodies isn't just a startup; it's a movement toward a world where everyone, regardless of their eating challenges, can savour the simple pleasure of a good meal. They want to inspire how the rapidly ageing world eats starting with China.

About Sprout: Sprout Agritech LP is an early-stage investor specialising in transformational technologies that impact how life on Earth is nourished and sustained. Through the Sprout Accelerator, they have helped grow more than 110 early-stage ventures within the agri and food industries, who have collectively gone on to raise over $60m in capital.