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Meet the Founder: Maidenfleet

It reads like something out of a science fiction novel: AI-enabled, unmanned, semi-autonomous offshore fishing vessels floating in our seas.It’s not fiction if Dan Burrows has something to say about it - he is working hard to make this story a reality. Meet the founder of Maidenfleet, one of the ventures taking part in the Sprout Accelerator Autumn24 Cohort. His mission is to see these uncrewed AI boats out of our imaginations and into the sea. Dan has seen firsthand the problems the offs...

May 28, 2024

Meet the Founders: Bontia Bio

Vets are increasingly noticing problems with available flea and tick treatments which include emerging drug resistance, adverse side-effects, and the negative environmental impacts of existing anti-parasitic drugs. The animal health market is now calling for environmentally friendly compounds with novel modes of action and larger therapeutic windows.Meet the founders of Bonita Bio, a Sprout Accelerator venture in the Autumn24 cohort using a synthetic biology platform for the production of natura...

May 27, 2024

Meet the Founders: UWAI

New Zealand mussel farmers are working in the dark. Everything they do is below the surface, requiring skilled crew members to collect valuable data about the health of their mussels, quality of product and when and where to reseed. Unlike above-ground farmers who work in the light, this results in a lack of scalability and a surveying and sampling bottleneck.Now, there's an efficient and scalable solution. Meet the founders of UWAI, Tim Rensen and Joel Steven. Together, they have buil...

May 24, 2024

Meet the Founders: Liquid Foodies

In the hustle and bustle of today's world, it's easy to overlook the simple joys of life, like enjoying a meal with loved ones. But for millions around the globe suffering from chewing or swallowing difficulties, the act of eating isn't just a pleasure—it's a challenge. Meet Liquid Foodies, one of the latest Sprout Accelerator Autumn24 Cohort members and a food tech company on a mission to help chewing or swallowing sufferers enjoy their favourite food easily. Liquid Foodies offers mass-c...

May 22, 2024

Meet the Founders: Apples for Glycemic Control by Plant & Food Research

Imagine a world where apples become a potent tool in the fight against pre-diabetes, offering a natural, easy to access solution to managing blood glucose levels. Enter Andrew Dare and Richard Edmonds from Plant & Food Research, the visionary minds behind this transformative venture. Together they are participating in the Sprout Accelerator Autumn24 cohort. Armed with a Ph.D. in phytochemistry, molecular biologist and biochemist Dr. Andrew Dare is an apple expert. Notably, he ...

May 20, 2024

Meet the Founders: Terrasync

Introducing Thomas Holdom and Tommy Mahon, co-founders of Terrasync, a groundbreaking Sprout Accelerator Autumn24 venture revolutionising soil testing in agriculture. Traditional lab testing for essential soil nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium can be time-consuming, delaying crucial soil adjustments for farmers. What if real-time, lab-grade data were available instantly, empowering farmers to optimise their soil on the spot?Enter Terrasync. Spearheading the next wave o...

May 16, 2024

Meet the Founders: Pop HealthTech

It can be challenging to ensure the well-being of beloved pets, and it’s heartbreaking to witness their decline without knowing what to do. Shockingly, statistics reveal a troubling reality: 60% of canine companions are battling obesity, while a staggering 42% face premature death due to cancer and 25% leave their food uneaten. At the core of these alarming trends lies chronic inflammation, a silent but formidable adversary that necessitates tailored solutions for each unique animal.On the one...

May 15, 2024

Meet the Founder: Fruitminder

Meet Fruitminder founder Sebastian Chapman, a curious software engineer ready to create positive change in the horticulture industry. A member of the Sprout Accelerator Autumn24 Cohort, his venture’s story is rich with experience and discovery. While dairy farming in NZ and driving tractors across Australia, Sebastian saw the value of having clear and accurate data at his fingertips via RFID cow tags and GPS monitoring. This data enabled him to monitor the health and well-being of every a...

May 13, 2024

Meet the Founder: DNAiTech

Since COVID there has been a massive increase in interest in new technologies for point-of-care disease detection. Detecting diseases on the spot, where the problem arises, is highly advantageous for managing a potential outbreak and promoting the best possible outcome. This need is everywhere but is particularly relevant for agritech and biomedicine in remote locations. For biomedicine, there is huge inequality in access to diagnostic testing for disease across developing countries. T...

May 9, 2024

Meet the Founders: Avocado Seed Snack

Every year, a staggering 300 tonnes of avocado seeds are discarded into landfills in New Zealand, solely from the operations of the top four avocado oil producers. Meet the founders Rothman Kam and Chris Hill, the visionary minds behind a groundbreaking solution, Avocado Seed Snack. They're working hard to transform these overlooked avocado byproducts into delicious baked snacks, effectively combating waste and promoting sustainability in the process. Not only does their innovative app...

May 7, 2024

Meet the Founders: Agovor

Over 2 million combustion tractors are sold globally every year. With the Paris Agreement goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 and increasing labour shortages, one Sprout Accelerator Autumn24 cohort member believes it is time to break the mould of the horticulture sector.Meet the Founders, Richard Beaumont and Simon Carroll. Their mission is to increase global productivity and reduce the impact on the planet by transforming how farmers tackle tasks between the rows in the vineyard, orchard, and be...

April 30, 2024

Trailblazing Innovations Run Deep in the Sprout Accelerator Autumn24 Cohort

Introducing the Sprout Accelerator Autumn24 Cohort. Sprout is proud to announce an exciting group of founders, who are collectively forging new paths to revolutionise the agri and food value chains.Themes such as novel food technologies, sector-disrupting autonomous solutions, and animal health innovations enamouring pet lovers everywhere emerge as we introduce our newest cohort. The selection process for this cohort was one of the toughest yet, reflecting both the cutting-edge technologies pres...

March 20, 2024

Meet the Founder: Dairy Smart

Making scientifically informed decisions, instead of educated guesswork, could save farmers time and money when it comes to their approach to mastitis. At least if one NZ startup has anything to do with it.Meet the founder Chris Brook of DairySmart. They are one of the ventures taking part in our three-month Sprout 2023 Accelerator in the Cohort XI intake....

November 23, 2023

Meet the Founders: Digital Diets

What if the key to improving people’s health sat in the application of AI and big data?Not much is known about the function of compounds found in natural products – known as the ‘dark matter’ of nutrition. But with a burgeoning natural products industry, it’s perhaps more important than ever to harness this knowledge.Meet the co-founders Dr John Ingram and Blake List of Digital Diets by Plant & Food Research. They are one of the start-ups taking part in our three-month Sprout 2023 ...

October 30, 2023

Meet the Founder: Tonalli Moana

Toxins from harmful algal blooms can cost billions of dollars in losses to the aquaculture industry. They present a significant health risk to consumers, with the health sector forking out further billions of dollars in treating people who have become ill after eating contaminated seafood. It’s pretty clear it’s a problem - but what can be done about it?That's where Balam Jimenez comes in - Meet the Founder of Tonalli Moana, one of the companies taking part in the 2023 Sprout Accelerator as ...

October 24, 2023

Meet the Founders: Barley Milk by Plant & Food Research

There’s no doubt about it, plant milks are here to stay on our supermarket shelves. But which option is best? Well move over oats and almonds and say hello to Barley Milk. There’s a new player in town - and it’s a healthier alternative that generates zero waste.Meet Irene Ho and Carl Massarotto, two of the founding team members developing Barley Milk at Plant & Food Research. They are one of the teams taking part in the Sprout 2023 Accelerator in the Cohort XI intake....

October 19, 2023

Meet the Founders: Fleecegrow

The appetite to become sustainable is at an all-time high. Growers, consumers and farmers alike are feeling the pressure to up the ante without putting too big a dent in their back pockets. Coupled with a wool industry that's crying out for more innovative uses for its product, there’s opportunity abound.One Kiwi start-up is taking that opportunity and running with it.Meet the founders Jacinta and Greg Penn of Fleecegrow.  They are one of the ventures taking part in our three-month Sprout...

October 15, 2023

Meet the Founders: Feed Finder

Do you know how many decisions a farmer has to make each day? The answer: the limit does not exist. But one Kiwi start-up is looking to support farmers with some of those decisions. Meet the founders Greg Johnston and Dave Meaney of Future Farm Systems. They are one of the ventures taking part in our three-month Sprout 2023 Accelerator in the Cohort XI intake....

October 12, 2023

Meet the Founders: Agri AI

Mastitis costs the New Zealand dairy industry millions of dollars in losses each year. Teat spraying after milking has been proven to reduce the incidence of new mastitis infections by 50%. But if done incorrectly that impact is decreased.Through the power of AI one New Zealand start-up is looking to change the automatic teat spraying game for good. Meet Benedict Johnson and Chris Scherman, co-founders of AgriAI. They are one of the ventures taking part in our three-month Sprout 2023 Accele...

October 9, 2023

Meet the Founders: Tiaki Aquafeeds

Almost 60% of the fish meal produced globally is used in aquaculture feeds. It’s a market on the rise but relies on finite wild-marine resources and is considered by many as unsustainable.One start-up company has its sights set on changing this with the help of insect meal and grape marc to create a more circular system.Meet Natalia Bullon and Ben Pierce, co-founders of Tiaki Aquafeeds. They are one of the ventures taking part in our three-month Sprout 2023 Accelerator in the Cohort XI intake....

September 29, 2023

Sprouting up in the City of Sails

Sprout is expanding! We're delighted to share that we have staked our claim on some Auckland real estate and have just opened the doors to our Auckland office. At Sprout, we're all about fostering growth and collaboration. With our Auckland office, we're taking a stride toward cultivating and growing stronger connections, and establishing a robust presence in the agrifoodtech ecosystem. While Sprout HQ remains firmly embedded within the mighty Manawatu, we’re aware of keeping our finger on the...

September 24, 2023

Sprouting Novel Innovations - this is Cohort XI

Sprout is excited to introduce the eleventh cohort entering the Sprout Accelerator, where innovation meets sustainability to shape the future of Agrifoodtech. This diverse group of entrepreneurs is collectively forging new paths to revolutionise various aspects of farming, animal health, waste management, and food.From utilising cutting-edge food technologies to introducing novel software platforms and AI, this cohort is redefining the way we approach agriculture and food technologies, and its c...

August 23, 2023

Food in a Changing World: Insights from the 2023 NZIFST conference, Dunedin

Marie, our venture analyst, recently joined the food science community for the annual New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology (NZIFST) conference in early July 2023. The theme of this year's conference, "Food in a Changing World," resonated deeply with the attendees as they exchanged knowledge, innovations, and ideas on the evolving global food landscape....

August 3, 2023

Energising through Innovation - Reflections on the 2023 KPMG Agribusiness Agenda

Sprout Venture Analyst Crispin Dye had the privilege of being part of the Emerging Leaders panel, which helps shape the contents of the annual KPMG Agribusiness Agenda. Here he reviews the agenda and gives his thoughts on how this will shape the future of the agrifoodtech industry....

July 12, 2023

Meet the Founders: CarbonZ

Not all carbon credits are equal. In fact, some are likely to be phantom credits and don’t represent genuine emissions reductions. It’s a huge problem as businesses around the world are attempting to get to carbon zero and might well find themselves in a sticky situation in the years to come with low quality credits.It’s a complicated industry, but one Kiwi start-up is aiming to demystify the world of carbon removal by providing authentic credits to everyday Kiwis and businesses alike.Meet...

June 14, 2023 Posts 1-25 of 99 | Page next